The Surprise Cost of a Visit to the Doctor
As many of you know I have two awesome cats, Luna and Midnight. They are very friendly and just love everybody. They are sister cats and have been with me for eight years. Kate, unfortunately, is allergic to them.
When Kate and I started dating, she was very allergic to the kitties. Every time she came over to visit me, she would sneeze constantly, her eyes would get red, and her nose wouldn’t stop running. She then started taking antihistamines and that seemed to help out a lot.
When we decided to move in together, she knew that she had to take an antihistamine every day and hope that she would get use to the cats slowly.
It seemed like Kate was getting used to the cats because there were days that she didn’t sneeze at all. She was able to pick up the cats and rub them all over her face without any allergic reactions – yes, that happened.
We did, however, started noticing that her days were pretty much allergy-free, but at night she would start to sneeze. It would make sense since we’re at work all day, but this was happening on the weekends as well.
Kate was getting really tired of sneezing and having to take allergy medication almost every night so we decided to look into an allergy doctor and perhaps get allergy shots.