1. I’ve been thinking to use CommentLuv for a while because of a lot of bloggers are using it and I like how it works, but since it hadn’t been updated for a while when I last checked it a couple of months ago, I hesitated to use it because of security issues. Now that you mention it again, apparently they just updated it in April, which is good and makes me want to reconsider using it.

  2. I didn’t use commentluv for a few months when I started blogging and once I added it, I was amazed at how many more blog comments I got. I like that it helps other bloggers, but I love that it reminds me of what other bloggers have recently written.

    • That’s why I decided to go with commentluv. It has helped me find so many great topics just by reading the comments in some of my favorite blogs.

  3. It does take awhile to get the momentum going of building up the community, but it is such a worthwhile process. It’s really a great, supportive community and I look forward to following your journey!

  4. Thanks for sharing this info. I always thought CL was part of a certain WP theme. I had no idea it was a plugin. I just added it to my site. The benefit of reading and learning from other blog sites.

  5. I definitely don’t comment on sites just to leave a link. I’ll comment even if the plugin isn’t enabled. I agree with Shannon though – it does make it easier to return a comment when it’s installed!

    The PF community is an awesome one. I’m sure you’ll be building a community in no time. Interaction with other bloggers is the way to go!

  6. I think that’s a question many of us ask, “Why didn’t I start sooner?” The beauty of the PF community is that we’re all different in our goals, but everyone tends to be very supportive. I look forward to following your journey toward financial independence.

  7. Blogging is addictive…I did it would be. I learned a lot from fellow bloggers. I like commentluv because it lets me see what others are writing about and that’s how I usually find their posts. That’s how I found your post!

  8. Hey, don’t feel bad for taking two months to find commentluv. It took me over a year to realize I had no way for people to get my blog posts via email.

  9. I think your blog is looking great considering it’s relatively new Aldo. Your header is looking really good now by the way.

    Comment Luv is a great plugin and I find that it encourages comments from other bloggers which is great for relationship building.

  10. Welcome to the PF community, Aldo! I echo everyone here that the PF community is an incredibly supportive group. You’re learning so fast too. I think it took me a few months before I even started getting comments! 🙂 I love comment luv because I find so many other great bloggers when I comment on other sites with it installed. A blog name occasionally catches my attention but an interesting post title will make me click right then and there.

  11. Jason @ Phroogal

    I’m going to add commentluv in a couple weeks along with some changes to the blog itself. What I like about it is the community it fosters in the comment section.

  12. Hi Aldo!!
    Thanks for dropping by my blog. I thought I would come around check out your blog and other social media as well. I really enjoy giving back and showing appreciation for other bloggers as well. My fans enjoy reading posts from other personal finance bloggers that I share. Nice to find you!
    Cheers mate

    • Thanks for stopping by. I found your blog because of a comment you made on another blog I read. Commentluv is great for showing people other relevant information and other great blogs out there.

  13. I like commentluv but I don’t think I can install it because I’m on a WordPress.com hosted site. It’s probably another good reason to make the switch to self-hosted. I’m delaying because (1) I’m scared (2) I don’t want to pay out for hosting (3) I’m scared. I’m worried about security, backups, plugins. Sometimes I see problems on other sites and people have a hard time correcting them, which makes me nervous. Am I making it a bigger deal than I should?

    • Hahaha Debs, I’m really not the right person to answer this. I just googled “how to start a blog” and the consensus was to get a self-hosted site, but I have no clue what the difference is between the two.

  14. In just 2 months, it looks like you’ve gained a lot of follows or at least hits to your blog. We’ve had our blog for a few months as well but I can’t say that we get as many comments on our posts. I guess I should look into self-hosting and CommentLuv to drive in traffic at a quicker rate. 😉

    Cheers to learning and growing as a blogger. AFFJ

  15. I was extremely pleased to discover this great site. I wanted to thank you for your time due to this fantastic read!! I use CommentLuv Premium too and I still love it

  16. Commentluv is awesome, a great tool for any blogger. Best thing is the links are even dofollow. And the other great thing I love is the possibility to show your own blogpost in the comment.

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