1. Woohoo congrats!

    Like anything else, blogging is a habit that you have to build. Tons of blogs never make it to 50 posts! You are a survivor.

    You have a good, unique voice. Nothing helps more than being able to quickly skim something and immediately tell “oh yeah, that’s MDN”

    I don’t tend to look at overall stats very much, maybe a once a week checkup if I remember. But I do have google analytics setup to email me when a new source of referrals appears. I always like to know when someone has mentioned us so I can thank them!

  2. Congratulations! Yes, growth can be very slow. I go in waves when it comes to checking my stats. I recently had a big boost in traffic for what reason I have no idea. I wish I could figure it out so I can add more of whatever that element is to my blog! 🙂 Keep up the good work!

    • The growth is slow but it has been steady so I’m not complaining. Try to figure out what you did to get that big boost and tell me so I can do the same thing. 🙂

  3. Hey Aldo,

    I think I am like you checking my stats too often (as in daily… sometimes more than once daily! It is just an easy look when you are already on wordpress).

    Congrats on 50 posts! I still have a ways to get to 50, it probably won’t be until sometime in October when I reach that. Which will be 3 months. Crazy how fast time flies!

    • I don’t know why I also have to check everyday, maybe is because we’re new and are so excited to see it grow. And time does go by very fast, I really can’t believe I’ve written 50 already, that’s crazy.

  4. Congrats on the 50 posts Aldo! That’s a fun milestone to reach! I have a ways to go yet but I’m sure it will be here before I know it. So, what is the biggest lesson you have learned in your first 50 posts?

    • Thank you Tennille. I think the biggest lesson I’ve learned is that it is a lot of work. Rewarding work, but it does take a lot of work. I thought I just had to “build it and they will come” but that’s not the case.

  5. Congrats on the 50th post! It feels good, doesn’t it? It’s amazing how much we can learn by just doing it. I still do not have a clue what I’m doing, but I’m ok with that. Again, congrats and here’s to 50 more!

  6. Awesome, congrats! I love blogging and this entire community. It’s a great place to be. I have made so many friends that I have yet to meet in person. As far as traffic, I am obsessed, but I think I spend more time reading about it than implementing. In my opinion, the number one thing you can do is guest blog. That seems to bring the best results.

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